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Junior Bond: I can see why Bond always lets herself get knocked up by these guys…Hey! Stash! Got anymore of those eggs? I’m starving here. Stash: Oh don’t worry not bond, you can have all the chocolate, eggs, and babies you want here. Just wait till we… Junior bond: yeah, yeah I’ll be the size of a house with babies, chop chop on the feeding already


Hooray for more Bond & Alien Bunny girl comics.


Hahahaha this was super sexy. Love the look of that disguise form.


Oh wow! Jamie falling victim to Ms. Deux's revenge trap that she had intended for Senior Bond is just the best. And from the looks of it, those tubes of hyperpreg inducing chocolate are still more than 3/4 full. I'd say Jamie Bond has a lot more hyperpreg expansion to look forward to!


The Alien Bunny girls are some of my favourite people, and they have been featured a lot. I hope we get a full on invasion plotline from them one day, lots of captured women knocked up with baby bunny's.


Couple other things that I think are pretty neat. Really dig that Jamie's boobs and butt are noticeably round and jutted. Cool call back to her inflated situation from last time. Also, is this the first time we've ever seen C without any sort of babybump?

Richard Handy

I do enjoy the fact she had the captive ready for monologuing before the final punishment. Priorities!