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Hi everyone ! 

I opened a new page   https://subscribestar.adult/sanayaoi  to replace my Patreon.

I will add the old posts slowly.

Patrons will  still get the update  thought message on June  , but I hope we can move to Subscribestar  slowly.

我會轉移到 Subscribestar https://subscribestar.adult/sanayaoi   ,雖然六月都會透過message發送更新,但可以的話我想大家一起全面慢慢轉到 Subscribestar 。

我會慢慢補回以往的發帖在 Subscribestar  。


Why I don't use Onlyfans?

Because Onlyfans need me to take a photo with my passport, and  I don't want to do it if I can. I am sorry. ( I love Onlyfans interface more  :(

因為Onlyfans要我拿著護照拍照片,可以的話我不想這樣做。所以退而求其次嘗試選用 Subscribestar 。敬請見諒


For new patrons :

I will send this month's content at the end of this month. But if you want to refund, just tell me. 




Any chance I can get a refund. You’re not active here. I just followed you on subscrubestar


Hey sorry if possible can I get a refund? I got too exited and haven't read the news.. I'll follow on subscrubestar ofc