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Loona had made it safely to the sanctity of her bedroom, and while the noise of Blitz and his enormous boyfriend fucking in the next room was still quite audible through her closed door, she was able to somewhat tune it out while she browsed on her phone.

She vented her frustration texting her boytoy Vortex, who found the whole thing amusing. He wondered how it would feel to Blitz if the shoe was on the other foot, with Blitz stumbling on Loona getting railed. Joking turned to flirting, with Vortex delivering a fresh dick pic to Loona, her mind looking forward to their next hookup. Despite the din in the living room, she managed to get in the mood enough to pleasure herself.

Unfortunately, it wasn't too long until she was snapped out of it by a banging on her door. Blitz slurred out a request to cross through her bedroom to the only bathroom in the apartment. They were still making a racket, with the whole door shaking, sounding like something was being pushed against it repeatedly.

Loona could barely yell at him to shut the fuck up and try again later when the door gave way with a terrific crack, both Blitz and Stolas sailing through the air to land atop her bed, accompanied by a spray of juices.

"Sorryyy Looony," Blitz giggled, both men's cum seeping into her sheets. Stolas had the class to at least look embarrassed. 




Just cumming in ;3


Moar loona 🤤

antonio kontos

Hope there's a 4th part <.<




The dic pic tho


This so good!! LAAWWDDD


Please give us more loona


Part 4: Fucking while leaping out the window


Pic: amazing, "both men's cum seeping into her sheets'": GUH AGH why does that get me so good AGH


So much wild sloppy energy and movement !


more stolitz this is great


Do my eyes deceive me or are Loona's fingers wet? What an excellent detail!