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Jerry and Joan loved each other very much, but never engaged in anything too kinky. Jerry seemed to get nervous at the idea of penetrative sex, and Joan respected his wishes to avoid it for the time being. She asked him about when they got married, and he gave her the concession that they'd go for it after they exchange rings.

However, Jerry couldn't shake his nervousness, and admitted that he was concerned about performance, which Joan found very endearing. A night of wine and flirty talk gave them the idea to bring aboard another experienced person who could break the bedroom ice, show Jerry the ropes, and give him confidence navigating these scary sexual waters.

They found Meesh on a dating site specializing in hookups, messaging him as a loving couple who were looking into a third for occasional threesome fun. They all hit it off quickly, Joan getting especially excited as Meesh provided plenty of revealing photos in his profile. They set upon a date to meet each other, inviting Meesh to their house, feeling fairly confident in their chemistry.

The day came, Meesh arrived, and the first few minutes went well! But then things started to move a little fast... 




If they're not married yet, why is Jerry wearing a ring?

High-bi password

Yeah I found that a little confusing too, I’m guessing the tenses just ended up being misleading. Seems like they are married now, just still haven’t done the penetration bit yet? Also you can’t see her ring bc her hand position would be covering it


Oh man this one is going to be fun


God this is hot… is it bad I want to see Meesh do this to my wife asdfghh