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If you hadn't noticed, I'm trying to upgrade the aesthetics of my Patreon overall, starting with my main page banner and icon. Additionally, there are little images that you can make to decorate Patreon tiers. The old ones are the wrong dimensions for the modern Patreon web design, so those needed to be updated as well.

I spent a couple hours brainstorming what new versions of these images could look like. I think these ideas are fun, but the longer I went on, the more I realized how much work it would be to get them all finished. Ultimately, these images were going to be very small, and I decided it wasn't worth the time to make new art for them.

There isn't much to these sketches, but I thought it a waste if no one got to see them, so here they are.




These updates are actually really good and modern looking. Have you considered adding other tiers?

High-bi password

Okay but the comics one is highkey adorable, I love the smoochies one! 😍🥰