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With this cover, the chapter is for all intents and purposes done and dusted! The digital version, anyway. The physical release still has a lot of work to be done...




This is a masterful cover design. From Travis's expression, eye direction, the sweeping gothic font bringing vastness, the implied motion of Dennis to Joe, soft color palate for emotional depth... Stunning. ❤️

Diego P

It was such a fun ride to see you make this comic, you really developed into a true storyteller!


Simply because I'm not knowledgeable about the publishing aspect of this, I wanted to ask: What all is needed to be done to get this ready for making physical copies beyond getting it to a publisher and paying for the expenses of said process?


Will a physical copy be releasing?


Put simply, the pages are prepared for digital viewing, and not for physical printing. The colors, fonts, and the dimensions of all 90 pages need to be adjusted, as well as adding all the typical niceties of a real book. This includes page numbers, a title page, acknowledgements, and small chapter breaks. After that, test proofs (samples) of the book will need to be acquired from the printer in order to make sure everything comes out okay. Once everything is approved, it may take a month or more for the printer to create all the copies ordered. Then it needs to arrive at my doorstep, which is extra waiting time on top.


I need a print of this 😍

Oskar Acosta

I’m so excited for it!


Love it. Dennis leaves and Joe arrives. Travis's face say "Is this more of the same?"

The Unaccomplished Writer

This cover is amazing. I love the leaving of Dennis and the arrival of Joe as a new, hopefully healthy, part of his life.


amazing cover.


beautiful cover dude


A perfect cover page for summing up Travis’ ‘relationship’ with both Dennis and Joe. Wonderful composition and symbolism Meese! BTW I don’t suppose for the physical book you could preface Part 1 with the section of Little Buddy that includes the infamous “shower scene”. Out of context I guess it might not make sense, bc it’s really Chris’ story. But it would be great if you could frame it as a flashback somehow, since it’s a pivot point for the journeys of Travis, Dennis AND Joe in Passing Love. (Plus it’s smokin hot!) 😅


Honestly this comic is one of my fav furry projects ever. Thanks a ton for putting all your effort into this. Has been epic! And painfully hot lol. Looking forward to what you've got in mind for the future dude

5099 5618

I really hope not, personally. He deserves someone who likes being with him in *and* out of the bedroom, nevermind someone who'll act like he actually knows him in public (>.<)


After the Passing Love book I'll be working on the Little Buddy book, which will include that scene!