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Here are the illustrations from August, as well as all of Passing Love 2 so far. Nearly finished!! I'll be saying that for another couple months probably!!!

Thank you for sticking with me another month! I can't believe it's September already... nearly October! Looking forward to making some spooky illustrations. But in the here and now, thank you for allowing me to be able to tell people that I draw furry porn for a living. I'm brainstorming ways to allow myself to bring more content to you generous folks, but it takes time and energy to research new ways of doing things!

I hope you are able to enjoy the content that I currently bring to you, and look forward to what's next on the horizon. Thank you so much again!



The Juno content is keeping us alive. You’ve got to be the best artist on the internet

Kyle F

More of a lurker than commenter usually, but I have been following your work since the Little Buddy days, and have been a big fan of the Passing Love Series since - Look forward to the updates every time they come out. Such great art and storytelling.

Kyle F

Of course! I will be sad to see this comic end, but I hope there is a part on the horizon 3 and/or other arc(s) from Little Buddy!


Ooh.. spooky? 👀