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I've had Travis's pose in mind for the first panel for a while now, and I was excited to finally get to it.

Typically in any of my pictures I use a bit of hatching in the lineart to indicate a change in form, like the curve of muscles across the body. But I came to a bit of an epiphany in that the hatching is a bit of overkill when a picture is rendered to this degree. core shadows, occlusion and bounce lighting can do enough to portray form, and applying hatching on top can actually undermine the efforts. So I may keep that in mind while doing lineart in the future.



High-bi password

I really hope there’s more to Travis’s advances than just Joe being a rebound. Sure, that’s part of it, but I get the feeling Joe means so much more to him than that right now and I hope we get to see that once they get to boinkin’


Even if they do just boink I see it as more of a friendly helping Joe figure out he sexuality than just trying to fuck yknow