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Biiiig pussies! Biiiig cocks! Youuuu love it!* Here is all the content from July as well as all Passing Love 2 pages so far, but big! Really big! It'll stretch out your internet connection good and proper!

Your Platinum pledge fuels the art made here in a major way! It has helped change my life for the better, bolstering creativity and giving me the freedom to make content the way I want to make it. Every month I try to make the best art I can to repay the trust instilled in your pledge, and I hope this attached content lives up to expectations. Thank you so, so much!


I Dare Korval

Thanks for all the hard work AND re-releasing Little Buddy 2 soon!


Meesh you ROCK dude!


You're the best, man. Keep up the great work. Always happy to support.


Your art is fantastic dude