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Just a bit of insight into what went into the brainstorming of this page!

These are the first thoughts I put down for page 16. First sketching a thumbnail and a synopsis for the page, and then jotting down potential lines as I imagined Dennis and Travis's conversation. They are somewhat out of order, which required me to number them so I could keep them sorted.

The opposite page was me testing out different angles for different panels. It's a little hard to make a conversation scene visually interesting, so I wanted to work a sort of dynamic angle in there somewhere... but then I wondered if I was thinking too hard, and settled for the slight 3/4 angle for Dennis in panel 1. And finally in the lower right, an updated panel sequence for panels 3-6.



Eric Avila

your handwriting is so neat compared to mine T-T


This is an interesting peek into your process! So you draft out the general idea first (That Dennis is trying to be reassuring while Travis is annoyed and leaving) with a general panel structure that you then revise after getting a better understanding of the dialogue you're going for? Also I like the panel you ended up going with in the bottom left especially! Though all of them convey a theme for this page Panel 1. A solo view of Dennis showing how his views are entirely his own (almost like he's talking to himself to excuse his actions) Panel 2. A more direct observation and suggestion made to Travis. Not one he's happy about to be sure BUT, key to note in framing...he's not out of the door yet. Symbolically showing he's prepared to leave but still has something keeping him there Panel 3. Travis halfway out the door asking one final question to see if he has a reason to stay with an utterly dejected but somber look And Panel 4. Travis all but out the door with Dennis' response clear as day. Not friends, not even fuckbuddies. Just good sex, that's all he has to offer to Travis, the only thing that he cares for Travis to be there for both metaphorically and literally. And Travis moves further out the doorway, it was the wrong answer Panel 5. Travis is utterly done, out the doorway, not even looking at Dennis OR straight forward as he makes his response. Looking up as if to say "I can't believe he just doesn't get it". I can't tell if it's a red herring (mostly cause of the next panel) but it seems like Travis has FINALLY sorted out his feelings and left that room for good. ...but Panel 6. The door is still wide open with Dennis ready and waiting. Showing he believes this to be a passing moment of irritation. That it's (in his own words) ALWAYS a place he can come back to "anytime". It's almost like a living temptation when he says "See ya Trav" Casual, nonchalant And the question we're left wondering...will he? Not even kidding THIS is one of my favorite pages! <3 Can't wait to see more!!


Nice analysis! Looking forward to hittin you with the next page!


All caps is fun and makes me slow down as I write each word, which can be helpful when I want to be thoughtful!