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A good boss listens to his employee's needs!




Meesh once again you never fail to please me with this comic I just love the fact she begs him to cum in her

High-bi password

This. This is the page 👌 Also it’s such a technical thing but thank you for not having his dick bash through her cervix ❤️

pj wolf

Damn. That is some force. And he is way deep in there, isn't he?

kai wolfheart

Tissues wont seem to be enough to clean up that mess. Towels and mop needed. 👍


Whew! There is a lot of fluids going on.


Goodness! He won't have to worry about cleanup at least. That entire load is sitting snug RIGHT into her baby room.


Filed under once you see it you can't un-see it: In the middle to bottom left, it kinda looks like he's fucking himself in the ass at a quick glance.


Asking for it, she’s a dedicated up and comer! ❤️❤️


A penis pushing through the cervix is a little too cartoony for me!


The janitors clean up the mess, and often make a new one right after 💦

High-bi password

Never had it happen personally (thank god), but as far as I understand it, it would be extremely painful lol


As far as I'm aware, it's nigh-impossible for a penis to punch through it; the muscle is too strong for that. Could be wrong though!


It shouldn't be physically possible, it is meant to keep everything out, sperm even have to work hard to get in there. If a guy ever put his penis through your cervix, it would hurt, and you'd likely be going to the hospital haha Also I appreciate it too, cartoony is okay sometimes, but I think it would ruin the fantasy here.

High-bi password

Haha I love the discussion here! Truth be told I’ve never seen it myself, but I saw an artist who made a comic basically saying “pls don’t do this” so I got the impression it is definitely A Thing People Do. Completely agree, I like the fantasy much more the way it is ☺️


Well! Guess her next question will be about where she can read up on the company's maternity leave policies.


Awesome. I hope we get to see here have sex with a couple other co-workers before the comic is over. I'd like to see her with a Husky or a German Shepard... or both.