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I saw Jay Naylor make a post about this, and it's smart to do the same and let everyone know about what's goin' on with Patreon's payment processing moving forward.

As my patrons might remember, at the turn of August there was a huge upswing in declined payments. This was because of Patreon adding on a UK-based payment processor, which clashed with many people's banks, as most fraudulent charges originate out of the country. Payments were frozen, certain charges were incorrectly labeled "fraud", etc. Total mess!

It's Jay's theory (and I agree) that this change was made so that there can still be adult content on Patreon. So while it could cause some snafus in the next month or so, it's a necessary shift as everyone settles into it.

As your charge is processed in the first days of September, if your charge is declined, you will receive an email from Patreon detailing the issue, and everything you can do to set it right. Contacting your bank and letting them know the charge is legitimate, for one. 

If you're using Paypal to pay for your pledges, I don't believe you'll have any issues. This seems to be contained to pledges made with credit and debit cards. But just in case, monitor your pledges at the beginning of the month to make sure your favorite artists are still getting paid!

Thanks for reading, and hopefully September won't have any problems!


Renaissance Wolf

I've told my credit card company that Patreon is an approved charge. So hopefully, it'll all be good from now on




Yo bank if you could chill in flagging my furry porn stuff as fraud I think we'd all be better off. If I have to, I WILL walk in and discuss it with you loudly in front of everyone.

Todd Whitesel

Saw this explanation on another creator's Patreon: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/some-information-21097479">https://www.patreon.com/posts/some-information-21097479</a>


I am not sure this is a sign of Paypal wanting out, considering they had made a special deal with Patreon allowing these transactions within the last two years


Still got my patreon receipt this month :3


I gotta switch to PayPal maybe. I had to manually approve this month. It's not a huge burden but if it's hurting the creators I support then it'll be an issue.