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Taylor's face went through a lot of revision as I tried to nail down the "blissful cross-eyed pleasure" look. Various severity of the crossed eyes, thinning/widening of the mouth, and eyes-rolled-back to not-so-rolled-back. These are heavy decisions to make as a porn comics artist.




Why from expression on Taylor's face on the last panel of this page makes me think it's going to get messy in the next page or two for two of them.


You know it's kinda unusual that they would fuck each other cause of a porno. But that's what makes it so good.

Tio Takurua

Hey Meesh, when doing these comics, do you already have a set amount of pages in mind and planned out each one before you start? Or you just "go with the flow" as each page comes out.


I wouldn't say I set out to make a comic with x amount of pages, because I think that puts unnecessary stress on padding out the length or restricting to stay within a certain amount. TLDR; I go with the flow :)