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All bimbo content is more or less done and rendered. There might be five renders left, but they won't take long. Above you can see Dolly Thiccthighs (It is fine if you do not remember her, she is a minor character thats been mentioned three times).

Gym event I just need to do an animation, then thats done too. There are some smaller UwU scenes alongside BDSM scenes. But it is shaping up really nicely as of now.

I have some personal matters to attend this week, otherwise I would start the hype train.

All in all, we are talking about:

3 animations. (The gym one, one for the BDSM route, One for the other UwU)

3 Scenes. (Two for the BDSM, one for the other UwU)

That is all I have left for the beta.

Lets all have a lovely week ^^




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