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Alpha testing went well. Just have to edit one scene from the alpha.

Beta release could have been easier to respond as to when it drops, but I have a massive scene to make. There are two episodes of the in universe tv-show. The first one took me the better part of a week to make, this one might be faster to make as I do not have to rebuild or build stuff.

But if we exclude the tv show from my estimate completely, I would say two weeks maybe. Yet, the holidays are coming up. So its extremely hard to say. So think of it this way: 

Two Weeks + Holidays (X) + In universe Tv Show (Y) = Two Weeks + x + y = Untill beta releases

During the holidays, I am going to start a poll, the end of all polls if you so will:

Who is your favourite character?

It will be like an elimination round, and the two finalist I will commission an art piece of (Not done by AI, an actual artist. Also the art piece will not be NSFW). More news to come on that one, but I will divide most, but not all, characters in a huge roster and there will be a vote on each roster.

Will it be Sylvessa that wins? Melanie? Kitten Brownie? That one guy who appeared in the background of v0.4 of Birds?

That is all for now, take care ^^




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