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So, soon I will be sorting out the Dall-E ai images. I just need to finish the script so I know what images I need. The reason for using AI is simple, Dall-E allows for it to be used in the type of projects I am making. I just need a disclaimer. 

If I was making more money, sure, I could hire artists to do all the drawings and I will do so as we reach the end of "Birds", to replace the AI images with hand drawn ones. But for now, I will use Dall-E.

My personal issues I mentioned require money to solve. What are these personal issues you may ask?

Getting a fucking driving's license lmao. For any none Scandinavian you might be very confused, but in Scandinavia its very expensive to get one. The average price for the tests plus mandatory training at a driving school or with an instructor is like 2000USD to 3000USD, untill you finally get your license.

Thats all for now, I will show the AI imgs more detailed. But I can show this one for now:

If you know my lore, you know exactly what this is ^^

Thats all for now, take care!



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