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So, [Fictional Story] release seemed to have been a success! I will in a few days do a bigger post explaining to new Patrons more of what my focus in stories are. But first, lets move on to the main course.

Of Birds and Bees v0.6

I am closing in on finishing it in terms of writing, its very long this update. The alpha will consist of the entire Bimbo bad end, and have a proper ending as well. This ending will be sort of a scrapped ending I had in mind when starting writing this story. 

I wanted "Of Birds and Bees" to stand on its own two feet, before revealing that it takes place in the same universe as "Autumn Boulevard", and takes place five years after the events of that story. Because I had no idea what the reception of it (Birds) would be. So if people had hated it, I had an ending in mind that would have wrapped up the story nicely, without spending time on a project everyone hated.

This ending, or variation of it, will be in "Of Birds and Bees" v0.6.

To return to the Alpha, it will consist of the entire bimbo bad end, as well as the intro to the update, the ending, and some very important story parts.

Thats all for now, 

Take care ^^



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