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On monday I will switch focus completely to [Fictional Story] to finish it, so its ready to be released during that week. There is one "group" animation I hope to finish today, if I cannot make it work, I will just do still images. Other than that, there is some post editing work for other animations. But its mostly UI issues I need to solve, as I want to do image buttons for the start screen, that I can then later do for Birds by just importing them. 

This will also be important for later (i.e. next year) when I do the Kassiopeia oneshoot that is leaning to be a more "Standard" visual novel. I am looking into Romance VN's to get some cool ideas, so feel free to give me suggestions ^^

But to return to [Fictional Story], this will be part two of my Terminally Online trilogy, I have one last story I am sussing out, but we will see when and if I do it.

So, now for Birds. I am about 2/3 done with the script of v0.6. And my priority in terms of rendering, is first the backrooms segments, as I actually want puzzles in them. After those are done, I am planning to do the entire bimbo bad end for Birds. So the alpha release of v0.6 will include the Bimbo bad end.

Besides that, there is a lot of content. Atleast as much as v0.5.

I will leave you with this connundrum.

Will you simp for Vanilla Twilight (floof pictured below)???



Best of luck in the future. Hope your attention to several works at once doesn't slow down the updates coming.

Disciple of Virginia

its actually not the multiple projects, its issues in my personal life that slows things down. I have to take out hours every day to solve stuff, that goes to that rather than writing :|