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I keep wanting to get back into doing hpreg content regularly, and I've finally managed to write something for that.

I don't think it's among my best work, the premise may be a bit labored, but hopefully people like it.



I do enjoy your hpre content, one the joys of your patreon :) The story was a rather sweet read; the characters endearing and the concepts interesting. Definitely like the idea of the 2nd puberty; new generation of humans who become even more shapely and become hyper pregnant capable :) Only thing that was off was this seemed a bit rushed? I wonder if perhaps takin a little more time with some of the scenes or a gradual realisation could make it work better? not quite sure myself, but that was the general feel i got. definitely enjoyed :)


Thanks. And maybe it is a bit rushed, but for my monthly exclusives I try to keep short enough to read in one burst, not like the longer pieces I can write if I don't restrain myself.