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As of today I'm 3200 words into a story I'm projecting to run much longer, but I stopped writing at a point that could serve as a chapter break if I wanted to break this up. And while I've never been averse to writing stories in pieces rather than completing everything before posting it, this is intended to be one of December's subscriber-exclusive stories, and it occurs to me I've never invited feedback from people on whether they prefer full stories or are fine with chapters across multiple months.

So if you're one of my subscribers, let me know if you think I'm obligated to post only full stories as exclusives or if you're fine with one chapter a time if it means I get stuff out more often.

And I know I'm terrible about starting stories and never finishing them (just last month I wrote part one of a story and haven't started on part two), but if enough people are okay with me going by chapters instead of full stories I'd feel less stressed about not finishing stories I've already started, which is actually an impediment to doing them, contrary as that may sound.


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