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The full details can be found in the original journal on dA: https://www.deviantart.com/adipose-rex/journal/State-of-the-Kingdom-9-4-lots-of-news-pl-read-890908927

But the tl;dr version is

1) I have over a dozen stories/vignettes I owe or have planned, so the next month (at least) is going to be busy for me.

2) However, because of money troubles I have going on right now I am highlighting a couple donation drives I have (one is weight gain focused, the other is hpreg focused) and

3) I will begin posting exclusive stories here and on Ko-Fi within a day or two.

And in order to make that equitable I will be making a change to how this Patreon is structured. I put out a poll this morning asking if I should keep one tier at a raised rate ($3 a month, to parallel Ko-Fi's $3 base fee) or add a new tier and post exclusive stories to that one.

So far the poll is overwhelmingly in favor of adding a new tier, so unless something happens within the next 24 hours I'll just go with that. My plan/hope is to have at least one exclusive story a month, maybe two, while everything else will be posted at both tiers and across my other galleries.


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