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First up, hope you're all enjoying the holiday season. Me, I work retail and I've been fighting off a cold the past few days. The worst is behind me, but I haven't been able to do anything with my free time except laze around and watch TV. Which is completely different from how I normally spend my free time because it is.

Anyway, the bad news I have today is that the illness and my work load and a bunch of stuff related to wrapping up the year has really cut into my ability to write fetish fiction. There's still a week left, so I feel confident I can get one more story out, but that would only mean three for all of December.

Ordinarily, big whoop. The reason I set this to the 'per post' payment setting is so that if I do slip up like this it's on me, not you guys. But this was supposed to be the booty month, with five stories (four absolute minimum) as a result of the donation drive I had a couple months ago. And I'm going to fall short.

I'm going to accept this shortcoming and work to make sure it doesn't happen again. I'll do what I can to get two additional booty expansion stories up as quick as possible, and I'll post them for free here.

Not that anyone was counting on me to deliver the Christmas magic with stories of expanding butts, but still, I'm sorry.


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