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It has been 8 days since my last post, so I thought it'd be a good idea to update you on the progress I've made this week...

So far, the last scene has 9 completed images; I've just finished the outline for the 10th and only need to do post processing on the 11th, then I will only need to do the outlining and coloring for the final 12th image (+ variants).
I should be done with the 10th and 11th by tomorrow, and begin outlining the final one this weekend.
Quite chunky when compared to all the other past scenes I've done, but the epilogue of a route only happens once, so... :P

I've also not forgotten about the poll I've done monthly, but I think at this point it's kind of pointless.
During November I will be doing the last scene of Airmid (her route's epilogue) then I'll have time for either Cassandra or Artemis, but most likely I will be doing a little of both at the same time.

Ideally I'd like to be finished by December, but that's very unlikely since both Cassandra and Artemis have no nsfw scenes at this point, and both have 3 planned scenes each (which also need to be "eased" in).
Still, we are slowly getting there... Harem route will be completely finished this month, and Airmid on the next, not much left before all routes have their epilogues done!

That's about it for now, my next post will be the outlines once they are done, then the release once everything has been tested.

Enjoy the weekend!


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