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First of all, the poll regarding the Android Port is over after a little over a year, thanks everyone for voting! My Patreon goal has also been reverted back to normal.

From the preview image and the title of this post, you can tell that yes, R24 will finally introduce the Harem Route that has been rumored for a while here and there.
Unfortunately "Harem" is a word that often includes a lot of misunderstanding, so I'd like to take this opportunity to describe what to expect when taking this route, and of course how.

How to enter Harem Route
Entering Harem Route requires a normal or hard difficulty playthrough (No Story Mode), no ongoing relationships up to that point in the story, and having finished all of the Brothel scenes with both Lena and Samira.
Last but not least, you also need to be able to defeat Aisha which is pretty much this game's last boss.

Aisha is of a lower level than the Black Goliath of course, but she is the first enemy I will be introducing skills and other behaviours for, which will make the battle challenging, even more so if you have not maxed up your stats.
In the previous update I have added elixirs so if you use them, it should not be too hard defeating her. So, stack up!

What is the Harem Route
Now, what should you expect from this route?
From my experience, when people ask for a harem route it is because they want to unlock all the scenes in a single playthrough, or want scenes for all the heroines, this is not the case.

The Harem Route will include only the following characters: Aisha, Samira, Lena, Haruhime, Liliruca and Hestia. (+ Demeter)
Those are the characters I am able to add without making them diverge too much from their source personality, with Hestia taking a lot of creative liberty, but hopefully it will be believable enough.
Other characters such Elves are impossible by lore, while others simply have a very possessive personality and would never agree to that.
In the sequel new characters will of course be added to the Harem. Xenos would easily fit, for example.

There are some characters with a route already, such as Hestia or Liliruca, but their old scenes will not be reused.
Instead, the Harem Route will include new first times, and other similar scenes but made to fit the new context. By all means, it should be treated as a completely new route, and it will be tagged as such in the gallery.

In gameplay terms, the Harem Route will unlock three new companions which will make an even bigger difference in the sequel and some story differences due to the inclusion of Aisha.

This is the most important update so far, last weekend I was looking for a good point where to end R24's update, but unfortunately there is none. A good point is the ending of this last chapter, and I am not sure if I can reach it within this month, so I will be just adding as much content as I can.
Rather than doing all the writing, and then add CGs, sprites and so on afterwards, I will add complete scenes so I do not risk any delay.
As always, you can follow the updates on the Changelog which I update as often as I can!




With the new potions phasing out the old any way to sell the old ones? Alternatively any way to discard them from inventory? Donate them to orphans?


They'll get converted upon importing the save over into the sequel. Not sure if I will add a way to sell items once I refine up the game once I am done with the chapter