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R21 ends in two ways: In the bed with Airmid, or alone.

It has advanced the main storyline by a little bit, and introduced two scenes at the end: One with Artemis and one with Cassandra. In R22, I would like to continue from this point.

I doubt the canon Main Storyline will be advanced in this release, as I am writing scenes with Artemis in order to introduce her in the daily life of Orario and to start/continue the romance with Bell, depending on your last choice with her.

I might also dot the release with a few more hentai scenes with the characters that weren't used in the latest release, especially Eina since she has 7 scenes despite being introduced early in the game and Lili/Airmid with their 5 scenes are quickly catching up.

I will use this custom "filler" story to also write Cassandra scenes (if MC has no relationship), so ultimately I can begin these two routes, and make hentai scenes for them alongside the other characters.

I am not sure yet how much I can advance those two characters in this release alone, ideally I would like to add spicy content for them right away, but it is not something I can promise right now.
What is sure is that those two characters are next on the line, and then only Haruhime and finally the Harem route as end game content will be left.

This is my rough plan so far!

I can definitely smell the ending of this project when it comes to the story, since this is the last chapter before the epilogue, however... Looking at the to-do list, not so much.
There is still quite some work left, but we are getting there!

More info about the custom filler story once I have more than a few drafts and ideas!


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