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R17 will begin Chapter 10, and just a few weeks ago I had found a good spot where to end the build: Just after Liliruca joins Hestia Familia, which means in the next build all the stats she has grinded for all these builds will finally be applied (I wonder how many S ranked Lilis there'll be!).

It is also the point where more members will join Hestia Familia, including Mikoto.
I believe it is a good point where to end R17 so, for those who play normal/hard difficulty, you will be sent to the HUB and have the chance to train in the Dungeon while waiting for R18, which will feature the war with Apollo Familia.

Quite a few days have passed since the last update, most of the time has been spent on writing the scenes, and four days making all the new characters (Luan, Hyakinthos, Cassandra and Daphne so far).
I also made all the new backgrounds, and I have now reached the point where I will need to make the alternative sprites (Hestia with a dress, Ais with a dress, and so on... I will be reusing Hephaestus' and a couple more though).

I have also updated the todo list with the scenes I have added in the game so far, and most importantly, the release date.
Once I have made some more progresses, I will be showing a preview!



Dependent on levelling I don't think many S ranked Lilis seeing as she rarely attacks above the lower floors and very few things attack her unless she get's participation exp for just being cute :P


It is easier on Hard Difficulty or if people purposely grinded on the upper floors to increase her stats. I think she also gets some extra excelia (not much though) since canon-wise she hadn't her stats updated in months prior to meeting Bell.


I expect her agility to be S rank as she's constantly falling back and running around. Otherwise she takes mercy kills and S rank Bell doesn't show no mercy. We'll see when R17 drops :D

Darrell Goodman

what % of excelia go to party?


It depends on the action and challenge level, I would say roughly 0.2 per attack is a good estimate, but if you train on the deepest floor, the challenge rating will be higher so you might get 0.5 or so per attack.