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Earlier today I have finished overhauling the Battle System to make it feel less "barebones", the overhaul added battle music, sound effects and visual effects for the various attacks and spells.

Alongside the setting I have added in R8, it makes the battles visually more appealing and faster, it especially makes spells like Firebolt and Lightning Bolt feel different, while also showing the raw power of Earthquake.

With the overhaul done, it is time to fix the reported bugs and add a suggestion made recently: Assigning roles to the companions.
Rather than assigning roles to companions, I preferred to add a set of actions you can issue... At first I wanted to add a little menu that you could toggle on/off at the left side of your screen containing different actions such as "Heal me!" or "Throw some mana potion at me!", however just today I thought it over and scraped off that idea.

In the past (Prior to R4), the battle system had a menu on the right side of the screen with the classic turn-based actions you'd expect to see, but I always hated how it'd cover part of the screen that could be used by enemy tokens instead... So I reworked it in order to have all possible actions as little icons under your character tokens.
I would like to have a simple and clean design for the actions as well.

Rather than adding something new, I decided to simply reuse those icons... So now, rather than having the companion's AI decide on the best item to use when you issue a general order such as "Heal me!", you simply right click the item you'd like your companions to use on you in their turn without deciding anything themselves.
I feel that is a much better choice because even if you are almost dead, you might want to use a weaker potion just to survive this fight because you are near a rest point and you could use a ration to fully heal instead.

Once you right click an icon to issue the order, a way to cancel it will appear on the top left of the screen.
A speech bubble will also appear to confirm the action you have issued, but those speech bubbles will be used for other things as well...

Something I have noticed is that people often mistake Liliruca missing a hit because they see "Miss" over Bell just after her turn, in reality Liliruca is simply post-poning her turn because she cannot one-shot any of the current enemies and she does not want to get their aggro. The ones missing are the enemies' attack after her turn.
Now, at the beginning of a battle, if she finds herself in a situation where she cannot perform any action, she will inform the player that she is falling back.
In the following turns she will say something a little different such as "Waiting for a good opportunity!" or "Watching your back!", likewise she will say something when striking an enemy.
That will make companions a little more talktive during a battle, making the whole thingie more dynamic, and I can also reuse this system to make enemies talk once you will face something different than monsters in battle.

As always, I am open to other suggestions and I will re-read some of the convos related to battle to make sure I did not miss anything!




Along with rounding down with weaker potions sometimes in other games I would just use elixirs because close to the end game I've saved so many that they were practically pezz candy to me and I figured if I horded them until the final boss I would likely never use them so cheers. Some fine aged greater potions and a trip to the hot springs? Absolutely Bell-sama! Livin the dream. Decadent lives of the rich and famous. Battle conversations sound cool though if the goblins start talking this could turn into Goblin Layer, another good game but that hero is only asking the men where they hide their women lol