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The Daedalus Street has been described as a labyrinth akin to the dungeon, even in the anime the navigation was shown as such, so I thought "Why not use the current dungeon crawling system, but for a town level instead?" and here it is.

Performance-wise it is OK for now, while the geometry is actually lesser than the average dungeon floor, there are way too many draw calls for my liking, and the (dynamic) sky is a little heavy on the CPU, so I may have to tune it down eventually.
That being said, I like how it turned out, and for now it'll do... In later releases I would like to expand it by adding a few more details once the performance will be improved.
Maybe even an easter egg to give a reason to the player to look around! =)

Other than a way to break the Visual Novel part and avoid throwing a battle in the middle of a dialogue, the Daedalus Street does not do much gameplay-wise, I wanted to avoid putting an actual labyrinth as I feel that would have been a waste of time for the player (Imagine exploring a whole lot of nothing!), so the level is rather short and straight-forward;
I may extend it slightly later on once I add some more details, however it will show its full potential if the game reaches Season 3 where the Daedalus Street will play a bigger role in the story and actually turn into a full fledged dungeon level.

Last but not least it serves as a proof of concept/test, I would like to make something similar in future but for the Red Light District, I feel that would work pretty well with the dungeon crawling system as well.



A Mere Shadow

I hope it gets that far, and i can definitely see how this would be useful later on