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After the events of R36, Evileye will be back once again in R37 where it will continue the main storyline from where it left off until the conquest of the Re-Estize Kingdom, Draconic Kingdom and Beastman country.

While a walkthrough for R36 was unnecessary since all the new content was unlockable by simply progressing the game, R37 will have a few mirror events and side events which will require some choices to have been made.

I would also like to update the gold tokens if I will have some time left once I am done with all the main storyline, at the very least I will complete Hilma's dialogue since that will be over once Re-Estize Kingdom will be conquered.

In R38 I am planning to do a side event only build (small spoiler: Evileye will also be in it!)

I believe that after conquering three territories in a row (+ Wyvern Rider Tribes), Ainz and Nazarick do deserve a small break to celebrate, so there will be a big event where you will get to interact with all the NPCs, which will lead to some spicy scenes.
Considering the amount of NPCs I will need to cover, I do not have any other choice but to make a side-event only build.




Ah, the adorable lil vamp is back. 😁

Ditto (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 15:55:55 Wahoo side-event only builds <3
2020-09-07 16:01:57 Wahoo side-event only builds <3

Wahoo side-event only builds <3