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-Fixed: The event to give Tuare her diary no longer happens if you have resurrected Ninya before it.

-Changed: Updated Gold Tokens.

-Added: 2 Characters (Freyja, Myrva).
-Added: Preference to change Werewolves' ears.
-Added: 7 CG.
-Added: 2 Mirror Event.
-Added: 1 Map (Jirnivel's office).
-Added: 4 Side Event.
-Added: 10100 words (~30 minutes gameplay).

Download link (Windows, Linux): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1uVCMUPse6__m-oBGlabwSac-eioP-2wC 


Download link (MAC):  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1h5bl61AZX8ocGeteLOnUqUCI__xCh07H/view 

Patch:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/overlord-h-route-36347482 




Sieg Warheidt

Not sure if its a bug or I'm just doing something wrong, but here's the thing: I see Entoma's room. I go to Kyouhouku and she tells me that Entoma's eating her children and if I can do something about it. I leave and don't see Entoma's room anymore.


I made a patch for that, I am about to make a post for it. Thanks for letting me know!


why i cant download this ?


Why not? The downloads work just fine. It says the preview is not available, and there should be a blue button called "Download", click it and then it will say it cannot scan the file for viruses because the download is too big, click "Download anyway".


i'm able to download it but it always failed mid way, i checked my internet is definitely no issues, it would just randomly says network problems and then unable to download.