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Yesterday I have described the changes to the world map, if you have missed the post, you can read it here:  https://www.patreon.com/posts/world-map-part-1-34448492
I have hinted how you could no longer access places directly from the new world map but territories, this post will describe how territories work.

Once you click on a territory, in this case Re-Estize's kingdom, a new secondary map will open and it will give an overview of the whole kingdom.
You should be familiar with some of the elements (The little banners and markers), accessing a location will work the same way... Except you will have an extra screen before that.

This gives me the freedom to add more of those banners without cluttering the screen, which also means I can add (In the far future) minor cities or villages for side events (*Hint* Looks like there is a nice beach in Re-Lobell...)


Just like the world map, the territorial maps are "Dynamic" in many ways... If it is night, it will show and if you conquer part of the kingdom, a fog of war will cover the conquered part (That is what the weird shadow over the Dwarf Kingdom/Part of Beharuth empire is).

When part of a territory is conquered, the icons are hidden and so will the banners: Once Momonga has his own kingdom, you will be able to access Carne village, E-Rantel and Nazarick only from his territorial map.

That is not the only way a territorial map will change: In big events like Shalltear's or Catastrophe Dragon Lord's fight where it is described how a whole green field became a desert, the territorial map will show that.

This gives me the possibility of, again, adding extra side events like asking Mare to fix the area after you conquer, in a way or another, the re-estize kingdom or just leave it like that!

That's all regarding the world map overhaul, I hope you like the changes!



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