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The next update will feature the opening of Red Light District, the map will get bigger eventually but at first it will be as small as shown in the screenshot since many of the other buildings such as the brothel will be added in future.

This first building, "Mark's toilet" will feature content for both the protagonist and the various workers that you can create albeit in very different ways: The protagonist will be able to use its services with both NPCs and workers whereas the workers will be able to work there.

In the game design I had thought about making each work a route, so if you worked at "Mark's toilet" you would not be able to also work in the brothel but I feel that would be too restrictive and annoying, so I am thinking about adding the possibility to set a profession and otherwise let the prostitute character work anywhere she wants.

Setting professions will allow the interaction between her and the protagonist: The only things left to decide now are just a few details on how much the save should be impacted with said interactions.



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