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So for the last few days I was getting a move on finishing up the recording/writing for the Generation 7 segment of the Pokemon video. This one... isn't great because Sun and Moon is very directed and straightforward and most of the story are characters repeating the same things, so my humour isn't at it's best. But it's done, and it's freeing that it's done because it was the one I was dreading the most.

The script for the Worst Trope is half-complete, and was pushed down the priority list while I was working on the Pokemon segment. But now it's the top priority.

I was originally planning to immediately follow up with the video on Tiana since it placed second in the poll, but due to recent events I am extremely skittish about that prospect and have shelved the script for the time being.

The next podcast was going to be about Season 1 of Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, but again due to the same recent events I have completely shelved that idea.

Anyway that catches everyone up to speed. I know videos are taking longer, but they ARE longer and I'm recovering from cancer, so that's just going to be the norm now.



Thank you for keeping us updated and I'm glad to see that you are taking care of yourself. I am disappointed we won't get to see the Tiana video or a S1 of Moon Girl, but you do what you gotta do. Keep up the good work.


It IS motherfucking god damn CANCER, and YouTube will NOT give you payment for medical leave, and you have no corporate protections, but I'm not going anywhere!


I'm disappointed we won't be getting the Tiana video, despite not voting for it. That last poll was a banger with a lot of great options. I don't know what recent events you're talking about but I'm gonna guess they were bad and if god was real they wouldn't have let it happen. As for your upload schedule, 20 videos over 20 years beats the tar out of 4 videos in 4 weeks and no more videos because you lost your voice by putting too much stress on it with one exasperated cry too many. Only an idiot sacrifices the long term for the short term. *side eyes every video game company and also netflix*


That’s all understandable. I appreciate the update. I am more than willing to wait if it means you can have a better pace for yourself and your health.


Thank you for the update! Do what you have to do to recover.


YOU HAD CANCER??? OMG GIRL WTF!!! Thats so bad omg im so sorry!!!


Keep up the amazing work Lily!