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The Star Vs the Forces of Evil video is in the editing phases. The discussion that I postponed it for turned out to not be very fruitful and I'm feeling foolish for delaying it. It should be up in 2-3 days. Apologies for the wait.

Generation 6 of Pokemon Re:Play is in it's final editing stages. I have a few critique segments to edit and then the music, and it'll be ready for Patrons, while Generation 7 is in the process of being recorded. At present I am tentative on including Black and White 2 and Scarlet/Violet. The former because not much is different and what is entirely dependent on how you feel about Team Plasma, the latter because of the ethical issues with purchasing such a rushed out, poorly made, broken game.

Currently there are NO plans to include Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon. Generation 7 is already a tedious slog, the thought of playing it twice for a slightly different third act sounds quite frankly HORRIBLE. I might just steal other people's footage. I used to have recorded footage of USUM, but it was lost in a data purge (sad).

A new Patron Poll will be up as soon as I can think of a third entry to put onto it. As I focus more on Pokemon Re:Play, Glass of Water videos are becoming less interesting to write.

Thanks for your patience.



"The discussion that I postponed it for turned out to not be very fruitful and I'm feeling foolish for delaying it" - Hindsight bias. It seemed like a good idea at the time, and you can only work with the information you have available to you. You're not magic.