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Starting tomorrow, the following changes are going to be made.

Cursed Patron ($45+) is being removed

Having additional, reward-less tiers at the top was, at the time, a response to what other Patreon campaigns were doing. It was common for Patreon campaigns to have tiers buffering the tiers with rewards in them for no reason other than inflating value. Patreon campaigns would have a $1, $5, and $10 tier that effectively had nothing and gave nothing in return.

Instead I opted to put those tiers at the very end, making the promise to myself that rewards would never be held above the $15 tier.

It's rather dated, and frankly having two of them today is excessive. So the Cursed Patron tier is being removed, and Mythic Patron will be reworded to more clearly state it's just an extra tier.

New $10 Tier Added

A new tier is going to be added in between the $5 and $15 tiers that offers only one additional benefit: The ability to vote on new videos. Oftentimes I have a hard time getting a bead on the community and get stuck with indecision on what script to work on. Unmedicated ADHD is a bitch, I swear. $10 Patrons and above will be given the chance to vote on them.

Patron-Exclusive Content

I'm going to start making Patron-exclusive content. Nothing major, mostly behind-the-scenes stuff. Retrospectives on older videos, discussions on the process of making videos, how this job is crushing my soul, etc.  Not sure what way it's going to be done, perhaps audio, perhaps video, maybe a combination of the two. Help me out a little in the comments, as I'm still mapping this out.

Patron exclusive content will be available to $5 Patrons and above.



Probably a mostly audio type video depending on how long they are. You talking with a pic of the topic. P.s. we all love you


The retrospectives don't need a ton of visual aid in my opinion. Videos are easily accessible, but they don't need to be wildly elaborate for things like that.