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UPDATE: major bugfix that was preventing some players to really test the level.

The background was intended to have visual "waves" simulating a desert's hot air illusion, but sadly it crashes the game. I've removed the effect and it seems running OK now. Thanks everyone who had tested and found this crash.

I also removed the "vertical block" limit, so you can see what's really above the ceiling...

Download the updated GTS pack in the attachment. Tested on v1.05 and up 👍


Welcome to June, LGBT Pride Month 🏳‍🌈 =)

GiantessRun's next level, with LouisEugenio's OC Pamela, is finished, only the unlockable artworks and the funal soundtrack are missing. But it doesn't mean you can't play it now!

It's a vertical-limited level with two arenas; the upper arena is inaccessible, because I'll build a second level with this same theme, but now inside the pyramid. It's really full of diamonds and dangers... but those dangers doesn't count because of the giant danger behind you, hehe.

This pack only works on GiantessRun v1.1, as the recent DLC load/changes can crash the game on older than v1.06. If you don't have that version yet (whaaaa?), download it for free here: https://xptz.itch.io/giantessrun

How to install/play it?

  • Download the "Beta_Pamela.gts" from the attachment;
  • Place it in the "packs" folder in your GR folder;
  • Once the finished pack is avaliable for download, simply delete the "Beta_Pamela.gts" file from the folder.
  • Anything you do with this level is saved with the game; if you unlock an artwork using this test pack (they're placeholders), the respective artwork will also be unlocked in the final version.

If you found any bugs or installation problems, please comment below. 😁

Have a happy June! 👍😃



Louis J. Eugenio Jr.

Tested it; I'm satisfied with how it turned out and there are no bugs or glitches on my end. BTW, Happy Pride Month.


It Crash everytime I start the level :/ Edit: it Crash only in full screen


Yes, I found where the problem appears, it's gonna be fixed before the launch, thanks for your feedback ❤


I've updated the beta .GTS file, I've tested it and so far doesn't break the game. https://www.patreon.com/posts/67195769