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TL;DR v1.1 uses newest Godot Engine version, then you must redownload the game; now packs are individual DLC files; read the "README" file to move your savefiles. Please download the game in the attachment and give it some tests and feedback.


Version v1.1 is finally here, with major updates I always wanted to make.

First, a change in the "Downloads" menu: now it's a game updater and a DLC pack downloader.

Now, every level is a separate DLC file, which can be downloaded in the game (it goes on the "packs" folder with the ".GTS" file extension). With this move, the main PCK file goes down from 90MB to <8MB, and it's faster to update.

Also, once you download the pack, you can play it right away. For now there's 4 packs you can download and test. Obviously, you can copy the Amy Rose one to the "packs" folder.

Another change is the savefile's location (previously on a folder Godot Engine naturally uses, now it's on the same folder as the executable). Open the README.txt file and follow the instructions to move such file to the new game update.

Others updates are an animated coin and better diamond, a missing Free's level artwork and bugfixes.

For this update, I'm using the most recent Godot Engine version, which breaks compatibility with the previous .EXE file, so you must redownload the game and use the README txt file to migrate your saves. The DLC files were compiled in the old version, so it's compatible with even the older v1.02. You can't update from v1.06 to v1.1 from the game, you must redownload it.

I won't upload this version on Itch.io for now, because this update isn't 100% complete, that's why I'm uploading it here. Feel free to test the game and give your feedback here. ✌

Download the game on the attachment, and use the "Downloads" menu to get the DLC packs. You can run it on Windows (.exe) and Linux (.x86_64). 😎

I'll be waiting for your feedback, 🙌




hello. Got the game but when I select the download in game it seems to crash.


I'll update the game with a fix for that. Thanks for alerting me.


Is there any way to confirm that the packs are actually installed? When I tried to install the packs, the downloader says that they are installed, but the moment I go out, the packs aren't there, without the level or images, and when I head back into the 'Downloads' tab, it appears as if they weren't installed in the first place. Is there any way to deal with this? I'm a Windows 10 user.


Are you running the game on someplace that allows write? Look at the "packs" folder, if there's any .gts file on it.


Not quite, I'm sure that the file I'm using has write permissions. Is there any other way?