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(UPDATE V0.1.1 - SOUND!)
It's finally here! The first beta version is finally avaliable for download!

Some screenshots of the first beta:

The main title (6 rotating artworks, which changes every time you open the game)

The unlockable gallery; one for free, the others for up to 2000 coins... collect coins to unlock each artwork! The more expensive it is, the hotter the artwork is (yeah, it's worthy! ^^ )

The playfield (the little red fox there... is you hehehe)

... and the "game over" screen:

The only thing missing in this beta:

  • Sound (it's really hard to find good copyleft music X_X sorry)
  • The stomping girl behind it (the code isn't working yet)

It's avaliable for download in the attachment, for Windows (.exe) and Linux (.x86_64, I haven't tested on Linux).

Thank you so much for your patience! ♥
I'll be waiting for your feedback, guys!




Went ahead and tried it, but for some reason pressing Z or X to jump is very finicky. Sometimes it just doesn't work.


X is used to jump, but you can also use Space. An Xbox Controller should also work. Does that problem happen with all those keys?


Yeah it happens with X, Space, and even on a Gamepad. It's very odd. I have to mash the button and pray it lets me jump at the right time. Oh btw, I think it would be a cool idea for future releases if the gamepad rumbled with each "step" the giantess makes if that's possible.


I'll see how to make the gamepad to rumble, maybe Godot Engine has it natively. And about "praying for jump"... it's pretty weird, because in my tests it had worked. I'll look into that issue.