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I honestly can't believe 10 years has been passed, since my first public foot artwork.

All those artworks...

... all the leaning...

... all the characters....

... all the "switches" ...

... and finally, my comics:

I never thought I would reach 10 years on this adventure. I've learned a lot, I've cried a lot. I had losses and wins, a complete emotional rollercoaster.

But I really never thought I would be able to get here: a decade of art.

I know I did a lot of things wrong in the past, I know there are lots of things I must learn, but from the bottom of my heart: I love you all. I wouldn't be here if it weren't from you all. And even if I have some emotional moments, like venting or crying, by not reaching the dreams I always had, or a goal I couldn't complete due to my personal health condition, please never forget this single truth:  I love you all.

Deeply from my heart, I love you.

Let's make the next 10 years better than the previous 10, let's celebrate, laugh and cry at the same time. do amazing things, have an amazing life (but still taking care of yourself).

I will return soon from my "cave" back to artworks with dozens of projects and ideas I bet everyone will love. I just needed to thank you all.



Louis J. Eugenio Jr.

Congratulations, buddy! Here's to another 10 years of amazing feet art!


Woot! Congratulations