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Since I'm back and at Nitro mode (lol), and Patreon made a few changes (like "rewards"), a few changes were made here:

  • The $30 and $50 pledges are now unpublished (although I'll keep the rewards I owe since 'em), since I don't have patrons in those pledges today.
  • The "monthly charge" was returned to "per paid post".
  • Work-in-Progress and sketches will now be posted here, including any artwork which will be posted here first, before deviantART (in their original high-res version, of course).
  • Private livestream is now a reward (by Picarto.tv) for $5+ patrons. All livestreams will happen on weekends, and I'll share the keycode in a Patreon post.
  • Fan Requests are now a reward for $15 patrons with more than one month, and it will always happen during livestream. When a livestream is happening, you can ask an idea by private message (identify yourself first) and I'll analyze it. If yes, I'll do it live!

Some changes will also happen at my deviantART and FurAffinity page, but one thing at the time, okay? ^^

I hope you like the updates
And remember: stay safe!
