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Remember the site I made where you choose between two pair of feet? It was inspired on Facemash, the thing that turned into facebook. So I've decided to do something similar... but with feet.

My original site isn't avaliable anymore, but I still had the code and database for it. And since I haven't drawn for a while because of all the Coronavirus stress and teleworking, well... I guess that would bring some funny interaction, and I could make a simple working site within a few hours.

And now it has its own site: https://feetmash.net/ 

Simply click on the image (or character) which has better feet, and then another random fight will appear. The results can be seen here: https://feetmash.net/status.php 

How the votes were before I erased it all:

When everything settles and things return to normal, maybe I can get some info about what to do next. =)

For now, stay safe and take care of yourself, and your family, and your neighbors. See you soon. o/
