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Hey all, public post so everyone knows. Episode three is done, one of my beta testers got through it no problems, so it should be right, its not a very complicated script this one, though I am waiting for Ricky the breaker of things to play it. I have to add a couple of pretties, no big deal and it needs to be proof read. 

Just so you all know 

The last animation is a bit wonky, I mucked it up three times as it is. But its now holiday season and summertime here, my pc is in the lounge cos I am soft and need the aircon, and I have people in my house. It takes me 4 or 5 hours just to make a animation in DAZ much less render it and get it ready for renpy, and that's if it all goes right the first time. So there is nothing I can do about it.

So yeah, I will post a patron version as soon as I can and a public version after that. I'm going to make some wallpapers and whatnot, but I will be limited with the NSFW stuff, I can do a bit at night but not whole image series.  

On a side note

I have no idea if those outside game creation are aware of nvidias new line up of 30 series graphic cards, the ones we can't get at the moment. I am hoping they solve the stock issue early in the new year, because I have been penny pinching here and there and on paper I should have enough to buy one. Then you will soo some good stuff, it will render shit loads faster.


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