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200 renders 3 animations, lot's of story. This chapter has more story than game, this is done for two reasons, I wanted to get a far whack of actual content in it, and secondly keeping up with my own paths I create is something I am only learning, so I wanted to keep it simple for now. You are already on a couple of paths as it is and this chapter reflects that as it is the start of A or B happening. It's been ran through 327 times by me and by at least one of my Patrons so all should be good. Because of all my typing in this one there is still a chance of a typo in it, or is not 100% grammatically correct, me nor my proof reader are English professors. We are working on a better plan, most of it has to do with the sheer wall text I present to them. I Have also been working on my renders, I do not work in linear fashion so image 15 could be better than image 107, I will replace a few I don't like as I go along. There are 2 sex scenes, a npc or two, one you can mess around with next chapter for lolz. Speaking of the next chapter, it will be content wise smaller but more complicated for both the player and the MC, things will get a lot more complicated for the MC. I fudged the gallery, ain't happy with it but it works except for the last sex scene this chapter, that's when I got stuck. As last time ignore the stat page, the gallery and stats are my number one priority for the next release.  Ans saves work (should) 

UPDATE - don't click on the stat screen.

And - The bathroom icon pops up before it is meant to, don't click on it until after you get back from doing whatever it is you do to need a shower, Penny will mention it and when you get home the game will explain the shower. I have fixed it so if you want to just wait a few hours I'll have the fixed version up.



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