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  • 👠 58
  • 👡 203
  • 👢 126
  • 2024-03-15
  • —2024-03-18
  • 387 votes
{'title': 'March 2024 Poll - NEEEDS MOMS. MARCH NEEDS MOMS ', 'choices': [{'text': '👠', 'votes': 58}, {'text': '👡', 'votes': 203}, {'text': '👢', 'votes': 126}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 18, 18, 59, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 15, 18, 50, 29, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 387}


MARCH NEEDS MOMS. MARCH NEEDS MOMS. THE DRUM IS SOUNDING. THRUMMING THROUGH ALL. Telling us, the moms are HERE, the moms are legion. And one doesn't need to be an actual mother to be a **MOM**


Poll Time! This month, I'm adding the suggestions with the names of the people who suggested them! Also, I had Grammarly correct spelling/grammar.

👠.) I could honestly see something like Deep Valley having a March collection that’s a big hit with all the MILFS, either that or a sale happens and one special item just happens to land on a soon-to-be-mom - VTsparks

👡.) A fellow is sleeping with his wife, who unbeknownst to both, was cursed.  The curse manifests as her stealing his penis, her becoming altersex and him becoming very, very milfy.  They figure they want kids anyway, and the wife plows her wife, with the last frame showing her being well along.
- TannerBot

👢.) A couple of guys "borrow" one of their mom's cars. The car radio is stuck on a particular radio station that plays old pop songs from the mom's generation. As they drive along listening to the music, they start to hum along and eventually turn into women with mom-bods. - Zamiel


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