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[This post is related to our 2nd big announcement for 2023, showcasing the new art style coming to MA. If you missed that big announcement post, you can check it out in full below! Tons of art previews included!]

Today's preview will feature Garnet! A character we'll be meeting really really soon! She's the Literature club leader and has some humble dreams for her line of work goals! 

(Images will be within the post, but it would be best to view them through the gallery feature at the start of this post, as you can enlarge those images.)

~Artist Credits: Lisa

Our direct comparison takes the exact same expressions, trying to give the best example between the two styles. Garnet had her eyes updated clearly, but we had her face shape adjusted a bit, along with her eyebrows and even her hair was changed just a little bit.

Since Garnet was originally created later in the sprite development, her body shading didn't really need any touching up.

Overall, our main goal was to keep the right tone set for her character with the new style and I think it's safe to say, after looking at the expressions.. We got it! ^^

22 expressions for Garnet will be featured in-game! Some adjustments were made to some expressions, but some new ones were added, such as "Smug" and "Thinking". 

This wraps up Garnet's preview! We're really excited for everyone to see her in-game very soon! What adventures await within the Literature club? :P



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