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This will be a pretty short post I promise! ^^"

I'm holding off on mentioning some news and previews for behind the scenes for the MA content, but come April 1st.. We'll be sharing quite a bit of information about the project and the days that follow that, we'll begin to share some previews of the content itself in action and also script related behind the scenes to show how things are coming along as we pinpoint a exact release date to confirm for our next release.

We'll be announcing our 2nd major big news for 2023 during April, as we'll have the previews ready by then for that announcement. I'm a bit nervous, but also excited to share it with everyone. It wasn't a easy decision to make about 3-4 months ago, but I feel like it's already proving to be very fitting behind the scenes while being exposed to the visuals, etc. :P

I'd like to briefly mention that our Patreon posts has been a bit awkward, but the goal with April forward, is to toss out roughly 2 Patreon posts per week. That way we'll deliver around 8 posts each month, but realistically... It'll probably be upwards to 10 posts. We want to share a variety of news, previews, behind the scenes, polls, etc. But we don't want to flood everyone with bi-daily email alerts for new Patreon posts that aren't really worth it.

Pretty much... Quality posts over quantity and not feeling like every few days we have to post something, anything just because we haven't posted something recently. Not really worth doing that if it'll feel like a "Meh" kind of post.

More or less, bare with us a little on Patreon related posts as we head into April. We'll begin to spread out plenty that covers all the Patreon tiers once again, making sure there's a nice balance of quality and equality across our monthly posts for making it feel like each support tier is worth it. ^^"

I promised to keep this short, so I'll end it here! That said, our first week into April might have a few more posts than expected, but I'm sure with the content of said posts... No one will be annoyed with what they'll mention and offer. ^^

Thank you everyone once again for sticking with us through March!
~Messy Studios Team



Lol, why do I feel like doing this on April 1st may not be the best of ideas?🤔


Perhaps April 2nd would be a better announcement date, so as to avoid people confusing it for an April Fool's prank...


Either way looking forward to said announcements.


^^" Flew right over my head! Good call, April 2nd it is! I'm sure given the post itself would be laid out in a serious manner, it's safe than sorry. :P (To be fair, I haven't taken part in April 1st since we've started the project and randomly doing it now of all times would only be a shock factor. Even if I could think of some really silly and fun "pranks". XD Best to avoid confusing anyone.)


Although...you could do both, starting with a "bad news announcement" on April 1st just to mess with people (i.e. "the game's been cancelled") then posting the true announcement the next day.😈😏😂