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Hope everyone's February was well! I wanted to toss out a small, bite-sized update to kind of fill everyone in on what's been going on outside of the big post that I shared below.

This might be a tiny bit awkward, cause I'm sticking to my word to avoid any false hope or expectations with estimates, regarding MA development and when to expect new content, as mentioned in that big post. It feels best that we hold off on any guessing, estimates tossed out and rather when we do mention a date. It's because we know for sure behind the scenes with development, that we're at 90% ready with the given content. (Pretty much confirming it'd be ready.)

I just want to let everyone briefly know that development is in progress and we'll be sharing some in-depth preview screenshots early March, with out of context moments from the new content. Trying our best not to showcase anything to majorly spoil the experience. Just enough to show how things are looking as we inch closer to setting a confirmed date for release.

February has been one heck of a month personally for myself, really kind of starting 2023 off in a awkward way.. ^^" Not to get super personal and TMI with some mentions, but I had a pretty bad rash condition for a good 3 weeks or so. Thankfully that has cleared up and back to normal again.

But as that was clearing up, I ended up waking up with a stiff neck/shoulder and realized it was my pinched nerve injury issue flaring up again after a few days, once the stiffness improved and the aching/dull pain was traveling down my arm. >.<

That's been super awkward, because I do sit at my desk quite often for schooling and of course when doing development related tasks if nothing else. So.. Trying to sit comfortably at my chair has been more like 25-30 minute sessions before having to get up and stretch, heat my back up or apply ice, repeat.

I don't want to speak too soon, but knew with my past instances where my pinched nerve flares up in past years.. It's important to do stretches, apply ice/heat with more ice in the first few days. I feel like I might've been lucky with doing that, so my back isn't super tight or stiff like it could be in the past.. But it's mainly just trying to improve the pinched nerve itself now and work through that awkward sensation.

I've started using Capsaicin to help mask the pain from the nerve, something that seems to be working just enough to where I can manage longer at my computer. Of course.. My main goal with overall improvement with that is to do light strength exercises to help strengthen my arm and shoulder area to help prevent this issue, since it seems to be something that flares up every year or so apart. >.<

Trying to keep this brief.. ^^" You get the idea for personal mentions.

I hope the recent news of the Diaper Influence System shared earlier this month, along with some of the sprite related previews and stuff has been exciting! I'll have much more to share in March regarding the new content itself, something I've been trying to get on top of and put together that stuff for everyone!



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