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Before I fall behind on some updates with the upcoming busy week/weekend ahead with Thanksgiving family gatherings taking place.. ^^" Let's dive into some brief updates on what's going on development wise and expectations.

First things first! V0.20 is being prepped up for it's release and we're looking into how to handle this exactly. We're leaning on releasing it all in full, but another possible option is to split it into 2 part updates to spread the content out a bit more to end this year.

I think personally.. It'd be best for everyone if we release it fully all at once, allowing everyone to choose how quickly they personally wish to go through the content. Instead of limiting and hard forcing fans/supporters to wait.

V0.20 is bringing with it the highlight of Episode 5 content, which features the finale episode of the common route. Which is just a fancy way of saying.. The introduction to the academy story and the character's themselves is tackled, as the rest of the game's episodes will take place within your choice of a character's route story and seeing the academy's mystery unfold as well!

Along with the major episode content, we've been doing some quality improvements that will be seen within the new content itself. As a whole, you'll experience these new qualities to the game within the new gui elements that are added to offer a more crisp, clean reading experience and overall nicer look to the game.

There is also minor scene additions to episodes 1-4 with new cg art additions and much of the main quality improvements seen in episode 5, will be applied to older episode content in the future! ^^

Music is being reworked for scenes that already exist, adding new tracks to the game to episodes 1-4 to give a better experience in those areas of the game for newcomers, but also episode 5 alone will feature a fair amount of this wonderful new music done in the past months!

We're working through the busy period here and aware that there's more holiday season ahead of us. We'd like to get this all sorted out and released asap before things get a bit wild during December. ^^"

~Recent Work~

ComposerJF has finished Heather's Theme earlier this month! They're now in the middle of working on a special track that I suspect will probably be done in December. It should be our last track finished in 2022, with a small handful of music tracks to come into 2023.

I'm excited to hear how this special track will turn out and share it with all of you!

If you missed Heather's Theme, you can listen to it below!

Lisa has been continuing work on some sprite additions to a system being introduced to MA here in the near future, something that we'll do a huuuuge deep dive into this December! So far it's coming along really great and I can't wait to share this news of the gameplay system and what it entails exactly.

We should see some minor additions that'll wrap up Erika, Miki and Zoey sprite stuff by the tail end of this month leading into December.

MarxeDP and AjoseMp have been working on cg art again this month after a brief break during October. They're currently working on a cg scene related to Erika's route and it's looking like it'll be finished by the end of this month. So far, it's coming along really nicely and I'm sure fans of Erika will be very happy with it. :P

If you missed out on the recent cg art previews featuring Juliet, related to her route content. You can check those out below!

I have also received a update from ds-sans! I now have some new gui elements that are in our hands, possibly included within v0.20 if we can get it functioning and setup right in time. The ui elements being a confirmation popup window for all sorts of things, mainly it'll popup when trying to go back to the title screen. It'll ask if you're sure you wish to return to the title screen, with a warning to let you know any unsaved data will be lost with a simple Yes/No to return. This will also be used for a few other confirmation needs for the game and we'll accept feedback on improving how this ui element is used for the game as a whole with v0.20 and beyond. ^^

~Closing Statements~

I hope everyone's upcoming Thanksgiving, Black Friday and weekend is well! Stay safe out there everyone! <3



I have a feeling you'll have a fair amount of people getting annoyed if you decide to split the update. After all this wait I imagine some people will be upset (rightfully so imo) if an additional artificial delay is added on top of what's already been experienced. But having said that I'm here for the long haul and support you in handling it the way you think will work out best. ❤️


Thank you for the honest thoughts here! &lt;3 As hinted at on my leaning, I do feel doing it all in one release will probably be the best. I suspect with the few quality things we're squeezing into the release and the busy coming days for some. It might affect things lightly, but we're mainly touching up and doing tests right now. I'm excited with these quality improvements for MA and really hope it'll be felt in the release by many fans/supporters. ^^