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I'm a bit behind on this, it's been extremely busy lately.. >.< Too much to do and so little time in a given day!

As mentioned in the previous dev update post, I officially quit my day job that I've been with for nearly 4 years this past Friday. So it was a bit bittersweet to do that, but with that out of the way.. I'm now trying to get my college courses into motion here in mid September.

I just want to once again make it clear that the project will still be continuing development even with college in mind. I just wanted to highlight that I'm a bit misplaced right now with some personal things going on and trying to sort those out, while still getting the project moving on track... So bare with me just a tiny bit, as we'll get the content released early into September!

I'll also announce some other goodies that we'll be doing in order to bring supporters and fans together a bit more as a community for some fun activities, but also some engaging voting polls and other meaningful things that we'll be hosting that's within our power to host without breaking any terms of service with being on Patreon. :P

Thank you everyone for being as patient as you have been! I hope to prove ourselves as a team for the rest of this year into 2023 with probably some of our highest quality updates! Lots of new stuff to look forward to that has been considered when looking at how to improve MA's gameplay experience to make it more engaging along the story and more exciting!

~Recent Work~

August has brought some interesting work coming along behind the scenes! I think the big highlight is that episode 5 is going through it's final testing pass and looking over last minute additions, so it's close! Just that I honestly wouldn't feel right about saying to expect it by tomorrow, wanting to be safe and say early September..

As always, if anything changes. We'll bring it up, maybe it'll be ready sooner than expected.

Lisa has been doing some nice sprite additions this month! If you haven't seen those yet, check out what we've posted so far! ^^
https://www.patreon.com/posts/sprite-preview-70438262 (Juliet additions)
https://www.patreon.com/posts/sprite-preview-70853892 (Rachel additions)

Besides those, Lisa has some minor adjustments made to some outfits that we'll be showing off early into September! Not super exciting.. But it'll be a fun little art preview to compare how the outfits look without diapers and with diapers under the cast's casual clothes to be seen in the future of the game.

Along with that! Charlotte received some love for some additions that'll be shared into September too!

In terms of CG art, MarxeDP and his buddy Ajose were gone on vacation for most of the month. But they're back now and they sure don't waste any time! I'll have some Rachel cg art concept previews to share with everyone in September that are related to her first route episode. Very excited with how that's coming along and what it entails!

With music, we're still having some trouble with this romance track. >.< I think we're about to have it finished though! It's just been a bit of a difficult one to get sounding just right is all! ^^"

I've also heard from ds-sans for gui art! Fingers crossed, but it sounds like we'll be shooting for having at the very least.. One new screen or ui asset piece done every month roughly until the finalized gui is finished! I personally chatted with them to ask if that'd be possible with their busy schedule and they feel confident with providing that or more, but at the very least.. We should expect to see some previews each month to show off those assets coming!

~Closing Statements~

That about wraps up this dev update! We'll have some screenshot previews for how episode 5 put together into a post before long and shortly after that, we'll get the release ready to be posted and sort out all of that.

My thoughts are that the public fans will probably receive v0.19.5, which will include the first 2 scenes out of 9 scenes for episode 5, giving the public fans a tiny glimpse at what to expect for the full episode that'll be released later in full for them. But I want to ensure our supporters are getting plenty of new content for our long awaited release!

So I hope that'll feel fair enough, as the rest of the scenes are jam packed with a lot more exciting things taking place and plenty of choices to make along the way! Some that'll impact different results you'll see as you head into routes!


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