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We have our last Dev Update for this month, cutting it close to the end of the month.

Progress with episode 5 is still in the works with Artie on board now, but I think we're looking at having it wrapped up here within the first week of August to be realistic, as we're applying animate effects for sprites and screen effects, camera pan and zoom in/out little features applied to the episode for impactful moments.

We also have a new editor that I might've brought up lightly, but they have made it known that they'd like to remain anonymous until it feels like they know for sure that this is something they'll be able to do long term. So we've been working with them a bit to get the right kind of editing laid out, which luckily hasn't been too difficult.

I think right now, we're still looking good in how we're progressing with development more than we did behind the scenes in previous months with the previous programmer. It's just taking us a few more days or so than what I had thought, but considering the changes to the engine made from the other programmer. I think Artie is handling it very well!

What we're going to do to help patch the awkward minor wait, is that with our big news post we do at the start of each month. We'll include a preview section for how episode 5 looks behind the scenes to help hype it up as we prepare to get it released around that time period roughly. ^^ (This will include pictures, mentions and hands on look at the content with some spoilers.)

In other areas of the development for the team, we have some very amazing art related previews to share early in August. We'll also more than likely see the next music track finished in August, just in time as we'll be using it for the first routes in v0.21 that should be targeted for late August, early September with roughly where the writing sits on that content.

We hope the minor wait mentioned will be well worth it and with previews of the content, that it'll back the excitement that we're that much closer to getting this content out there for everyone! ^^ (Once again, we'll provide v0.20 to fans who supported us at least once at $5 tier during 2021 or in past months of 2022 as our thanks for the wait in development.)